Want a strong-willed Taurus woman to follow you around like a puppy?
You need to know how to get her feeling lusty toward you.
Here’s how to get a Taurus woman to chase you.
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How to Get a Taurus Woman to Chase You
1. Smell good
A Taurus’s senses dominate their experiences.
You want to stop a Taurus woman in her tracks? Wear some nice cologne.
Give her a hug so that you leave a trace of it on her clothes and she can smell you all day long.
Don’t overdo it, though!
Bathing yourself in Brut is going to assault her senses. Subtlety is key.
2. Look good
Smell good, check. Look devilishly handsome, check check.
We’re talking beard grooming, trimmed nails and coordinated outfit.
Leave the sweatpants at home, unless you’re on your way to the gym.
Taurus women dig a man with style. And they like men who take care of themselves.
Provide her with some eye candy and that image will stay in her mind for the rest of the day.
No need to overdo it and gel your hair up to the sky.
Just make sure your appearance is neat, clean and stylish and let her feast her lustful eyes.
3. Show her some fun
Want to get her really interested?
Give her a taste of how spontaneous and fun you can be.
Taurus women have short attention spans and get distracted easily.
So you need to show her a great time and keep it interesting if you want her to reciprocate.
4. Be funny
Taurus females also love to laugh.
Not just little giggles, but deep belly laughs.
She might forget a nice guy, but she won’t forget a man who makes her snort from laughing so hard.
Laugh with her—she loves to hear your voice, and it’ll charm her socks off.
5. Project confidence
A Taurus woman is attracted to a masculine man who knows what he wants.
She’s a confident woman, and she needs a confident man at her side. So when you interact with her, be sure of yourself.
Ask her out on a date, but then don’t ask her to make every tiny little decision because you’re afraid she won’t like something.
She wants to be able to follow the lead of a sure-footed man.
Choose a classy restaurant and let her know you’ll pick her up at 8. Then select a nice bottle of wine to share over dinner.
It takes a strong man to catch an independent Taurus woman. She’ll swoon.
6. Let her know she’s witty, funny, gorgeous, deep, etc.
Compliment her!
Then later, compliment her again.
A little “You’re gorgeous” or “I love how thoughtful you are” goes a long way with Tauruses.
They adore being adored.
At the very least, it’s a surefire way to let her know your feelings, which she will appreciate.
7. Be slightly out of her reach
Once you’ve hooked a Taurus woman with your charm, style and wit, avoid smothering her.
Tauruses move slowly. So don’t rush it.
What you want to do now is make her think that you’re worth chasing.
So you need to create a little mystery for her.
Leave her alone for a few days so she starts to miss you and wonder what you’re up to.
She’ll be tempted because she’s attracted to you and she knows you’re attracted to her.
But what really sets the bait is feeling like you might be just a little out of her reach.
So take advantage of that, and let her do a little wondering!
8. Buying her flowers doesn’t hurt
Tauruses really dig old-fashioned courtship.
That includes flowers and chocolates.
As a Venus-ruled sign, Taurus has a deep appreciation for beauty.
And they love nature, which means that flowers are totally appropriate.
Sending her roses for Valentine’s Day or a beautiful, fragrant bouquet just because is the right move to make if you’re courting her.
Do this after a successful date and she’ll melt.
9. Let her know you’re stable and independent
No Taurus woman seeks out a partner who can’t stand on their own two feet.
It’s not that she’s going to shun you if you’re in between jobs, but if you’ve got that stability that she craves, make sure she knows it.
Have a plan. Set goals and let her see that you’re going after them.
She wants to be with someone who has their stuff together and who won’t need her to carry them.
This includes financial stability, which is especially important to Tauruses.
So don’t go making her pay for your meal!
10. Send her racy texts
Taurus women have dirty minds. And they love when you indulge them.
BUT—only do this if you’ve received CLEAR SIGNS from her that she’s into it, or if she’s initiated it.
Heavy flirting and dates that go swimmingly open the door to sexy exchanges that will keep her coming back for more.
Texting is kind of boring to her, but sexting is exciting.
This is a good way to make sure the spark doesn’t fizzle out.
A strong sexual appetite is part of her astrological makeup, so be sure you can keep up.
11. Make your place a palace of sensual delights
Pull out all the stops when it comes to making your place comfortable for her.
Invest in soft blankets, aesthetically pleasing art, and generally make things appeal to her senses.
Vanilla scented candles, throw pillows, mood music, silk sheets…you get the idea.
And don’t forget good food and drink.
You don’t want her to leave your place never wanting to return, or she might stop the chase.
What Not to Do When Trying to Attract a Taurus Woman
Don’t try to split the check with her, just pay for it
Who pays the bill at the end of a dinner date is a subject for some debate in the modern age.
It’s sometimes looked at as stuffy and antiquated for the man to pay, but to Taurus women, they see it as a matter of dating etiquette.
Every Taurus woman is different, but they all love being pampered.
So if you can discreetly pay without making a big deal of it, it’s going to show her that you’re not counting pennies. A partner who isn’t stingy is important to her.
She may want to pay for the movie tickets later, or cook dinner for you next time (she’s probably a stellar cook as Tauruses are known for their culinary interests) in return.
She’s about reciprocity for sure, but she will expect that you show her that it’s worth her investment.
Don’t try to move too quickly
Rushing a Taurus will get you NOWHERE. In all things, romantic pursuits included.
It’s one of the quickest ways to be shown the door.
If you really want a Taurus to chase you, seduce her slowly.
Tease her.
Let her determine the pace if she wants it to accelerate.
Don’t be aloof
While you do want to tease a Taurus, you don’t want to seem like you’re blowing her off.
She doesn’t have time to chase someone who is never going to give her the time of day.
So if she isn’t getting a response from you because you’re playing hard to get, she might write you off or put you in the friend zone.
The key is to have your own life, but give her your full attention when you’re with her.
For the love of all that is holy, don’t cheap out
If you’re going to take a Taurus woman out on a date, you best be sure that it’s going to meet her standards.
Choose a place with nice ambiance or at least quality entrees, but scene-setting is preferable if possible.
No McDonald’s or 24-hour diners.
If you’re buying her a gift, make sure it’s not the cheapest version you could find.
She’ll know it, and she’ll make a mental note for future reference.
That doesn’t mean she expects expensive gifts, though. If you give her a card you wrote, she’ll love it.
Just never get her something of poor quality—Tauruses hate that.
Don’t waffle.
She knows what she wants. You should, too.
That means not making her wait, not flaking out on her and generally maintaining a steady presence in her life.
If she thinks you’re flaky, she’ll lose all interest quickly.
Don’t be clingy.
There’s a big difference between being available and open, and being needy.
Remember, Taurus women like independence, both for themselves and for you.
If you have the urge to call and text her every three seconds and dominate her time, just play it cool, hot shot.