Things were just peachy between you and your Gemini man, and then you had a fight.
How does a Gemini man act when he’s hurt? And what can you do about it?
The reality is, everything depends on the situation. Some things he’ll work out of his system on his own while trying not to involve you. But there are circumstances in which he’ll want to shut you out—for good.
Tons of people dating Gemini men are confused by their behavior when they’re upset and end up accidentally pushing them further away.
It’s because they don’t understand how the Gemini male’s brain works, what drives his emotional reactions.
You can learn exactly how Gemini men work on a deep, internal level and strengthen your bond with the comprehensive guide Gemini Man Secrets.
Want to know what to expect if your Gemini’s been hurt? Let’s dive into that.
Table of Contents
How Does a Gemini Man Act When He’s Hurt?
There are a lot of layers to this question. If you want to know how your Gemini boyfriend would react if he’s feeling hurt by something you said or did, it depends on some factors.
First, how badly is he hurt? A really deep emotional cut for a Gemini is tough to get over. Depending on how casual or committed you are to each other, if it’s severe, a Gemini man might choose to cut it off. The relationship, communication, everything.
But that’s the serious reaction. There are less final outcomes for you and your Gemini man.
He might take some time alone just to get the sadness out. So he won’t talk to you for a little while, whether that’s for the night or for a week. Again, totally depends on how bummed out he is.
Geminis genuinely hate to be upset. Sadness/anger/rejection is tough for everyone, but Geminis just plain don’t like to feel it. So it’s often easier for Geminis to switch off to get away from emotional pain.
If it’s more minor, he might be able to bury it and pretend like nothing happened. You might not be able to tell that he’s been upset at all.
Perhaps the bigger question here is, how do you turn things around again?
In the scenario where the Gemini man hasn’t completely written you off (like if you just started dating and he got hurt, then figured it wasn’t worth investing his feelings), there’s a protocol to making amends.
We’re going to talk about what you should do in order to keep things on an even keel.
Read next: Signs a Gemini Is Upset
What to Do When He’s Hurt
If he goes incommunicado
Maybe you said something that deeply offended your Gemini guy. Or it could be that your actions were interpreted as a sign that you don’t respect him or deeply care about him.
In all likelihood, he’s going to go radio silent for a while.
The reason is that he needs to disconnect from you for some time to analyze the situation and collect his thoughts. And analyze he will. Every word, movement and angle he can think of. He might get second and third opinions from others, too.
You can learn about other reasons he goes silent in Gemini Man Secrets.
But really, what he needs is time to stop feeling bad. Geminis have the ability to recover fairly quickly, but much of that ability comes from their own self-preservation.
Geminis are highly protective of their feelings, and anyone or anything that encroaches on them will be blocked.
When your Gemini gives you the cold shoulder, you can give him a day or two to be alone with his thoughts if you think the situation merits it. But even if you don’t get any messages back, you should still reach out to him to make sure he knows that you care.
Try offering an explanation, along with an apology, in an email. Or if leaving a voicemail is more your style, you may do that instead. Even if it’s just a text, keeping in communication with him is imperative.
Make sure that what you say is open and honest. Don’t go into overdrive trying to appeal to his emotions. Just give him the straight truth and leave it up to him to make the next move.
If he won’t tell you why he’s upset
Sometimes Gemini men will withhold the reason that they’re hurt in the first place. It’s clear that they’re not happy about something, but they won’t say what it is.
In this situation, there’s really not a whole lot that you can do. That is, you can’t force him to say it. Trying to sweet talk it out of him can backfire, and getting upset yourself will work against you.
That’s why you’ve got to just give him room. It might be hard to leave it hanging there, but it’s the best thing that you can do to help your Gemini get back to normal.
He may open up after a while, or he might just want to push past it altogether. In that case, you might never find out what really happened.
And that’s OK. If your Gemini has decided that it isn’t worth spending more time and emotional energy on, he wants you to, too.
If he pretends nothing happened
Best to address the issue with him before it develops into something more serious. Try as a Gemini might to ignore something that’s bothering him, he’s only human. It may come up at inopportune times or snowball into something else entirely.
Even if he tries to laugh it off when you bring it up, gently tell him that you know this is something that has been bugging him and then tell him how you want to help. If it’s something that you did, offer him a logical explanation to help him understand your actions (and an apology).
While your Gemini man might be quick to move on from something that you said or did that caused him pain, it may stick with him. There’s a very real possibility that it will cause him to not trust you. He could potentially even become secretive as a defense mechanism.
That’s why you’ve got to get in front of it. If there are no signs as to what he’s feeling but you know from experience that something might have upset him, address it as soon as you can so it doesn’t fester.
That being said, if he seems to be getting more upset by your bringing it up, don’t push the matter. It’s out there now, so it’s up to him to take what you’ve said and decide what to do with it.
Need to know more about how to communicate with your Gemini significant other? Anna Kovach discusses what to do when your Gemini pulls away and how to keep the relationship healthy in Gemini Man Secrets.